32 Random Questions

Hi Lovelies,

After Monday’s really rather serious post all about Delilah’s start to life in Oxford’s NICU unit (and if you haven’t read that yet the link is here Delilah’s Story (Part Two) I thought I would write something a little more light-hearted today. And I found this fun looking Tag (it may be for Youtube but I’m sure we can make it work for blog’s too) over on Kat’s blog (which you can find Here) 

Not only is Kat’s blog brilliant she also has a YouTube channel check it out Here (look at me being all linky today haha) I first found her on a Marie Bits and clips video and she is very funny.

Anyway on with the questions before I make this post far more of a ramble then it should be.

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

I live on a boat and have no closet’s and I think it may be a tiny bit weird if I opened my draws to sleep haha.

2. Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?

Of course 😉 you have to don’t you it’s like the law or something, but I wouldn’t say I’m quite as bad as Ross from friends just yet!

3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?


4. Have you ever stolen a street sign?

No but I kinda wished I had, you just know there would be a good story behind it.

5. Do you cut out coupons and never use them?

Not so much on cutting them out but Ben is always getting vouchers/coupons from Sainsburys and such and I always forget to use them if I go shopping on my own (much to the annoyance of Ben haha)

6. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bee’s?

When I was a kid I can remember being stood at our back door in fits of laughter as my dad was chassed down our garden by a swarm of bee’s (I was such a nice daughter haha) So I think its only right that I get paid back and choose bee’s (I’m pretty sure Delilah and Arabella would laugh at me in that situation) Plus bear’s are scary so no thank you.

7. Do you always smile for pictures?

I think so! it’s kind of automatic isn’t it?

8. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

No but I probably should.

9. Have you ever peed in the woods?


10. Do you still watch cartoons?

No I never really even liked them as a kid I much more enjoyed the home improvement programs (hello changing room’s) but now with two little girls my life is pretty much a loop of annoying children’s song’s on YouTube that get stuck in your head long after the Girl’s are in bed.

11. where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?

Ooh good question, hmm I think the best way for me to hide something would be to let Delilah play with it haha, the only problem would then be I would have no idea where it was either. otherwise I would have to take my mother’s suggestion and say under the floor boards.

12. What do you drink with dinner?

Totally depends but hopefully wine haha.

13. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?

Either sweet and sour sauce or curry sauce so not a fan of tomato sauce.

14. what movies could you watch over and over and still love?

Devil wears Prada, Sleepless in Seattle and You’ve got mail. All total classics.

15. Where you ever a girl scout?


16. Would you ever pose or strip nude in a magazine?


17. Can you change the oil in your car?

I don’t drive yet so no.

18. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?

Same answer as above.

19. Afraid of heights?

Nope not really.

20. Do you sing in the car?

Of course something I’m sure everyone around me is really pleased about.

21. Is Christmas stressful?

Yes! I used to love Christmas and still do in the sense that it’s magical watching the kid’s with the lights, elf on the shelf and everything like that but I also feel that we put so much pressure on ourselves as parents that it’s just full of trying to do everything right and make sure everyone is happy, now I am much more of a new years eve girl.

22. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?

I always wanted to be an author which I think is why I try and do Nanowrimo each year (where you write fifty thousand words of your novel in November) and I actually won this year which I was pretty pleased about. And I think it’s the reason that I love blogging so much now.

23. Do you believe in ghosts?

Yes my boat is full of them for a start and I love everything supernatural and one of the thing’s that I really want to do this year is visit as many haunted places as I can. So if you know of anywhere haunted in the Reading, Berkshire area please let me know.

24. The first concert you ever went to?

Hmm never really ever been to one.

25. Walmart, Target or Kmart?

I’ve never been to any of them as I live in the UK but from watching vlogs I would love to go to a Target one day.

26. Nike or Adidas?


27. can you curl your tongue?


28. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

Yes so many times but never more then when Delilah and Arabella came home from hospital (both had very different stories) but I cried just as much with both.

29. The last concert you saw?

Again I’ve never seen one.

30. Can you swim well?

The last time I really tried was at school many moon’s ago so probably not (great for boat life haha)

31. can you knit or crochet?

No neither I really don’t have the patience for it sadly as I would love to. But my mum and sister are brilliant at it.

32. Are you a dog or a cat person?

Years ago I would have gone with dog, but these days I’m totally a cat person (my dream has come true haha) I would love to have a cat someday when the girls are a little older.

And that’s it all 32 questions, I hope you enjoyed and remember to check out Kat’s blog and YouTube. and why not answer these questions yourself? I would love to read them so be sure to let me know. But for now …

Thanks for reading.

Love Benita x