This Or That Tag

Hello lovelies,

I was going to do a blog post all about the second part of Delilah’s NICU journey today but I have two not very well girlies on my hands for the past couple of days so I don’t have that much time and I think that post may take me quite a while so I thought I would do something a little fun instead and do the this or that tag!

I found this over on Audrey’s blog and although she hasn’t posted in awhile she does have some great stuff over there so be sure to check her out.

Now on with the tag.

Hair up or hair down?

I wish I wore my hair down more, but I am a mum now so its straight up into a ponytail 99% of the time otherwise little hands are all too ready to pull away at it.

Dessert or fruit?

Is this even a question? (haha) I mean really dessert every time thank you very much.

Dress or shirt and sweatpants?

I adore dresses and I really wish I wore one more often (maybe I should add that to my goals for this year!) but more often then not its jeans or leggings thrown on with a jumper #mumlife haha.

One Direction or Jonas brothers?

I’m starting to feel like I may be a tad for this tag right now haha, Um neither are my cup of tea really!

Radio or Ipod?

Now this one I am really half and half with if I’m in the car then its Ipod mainly because of Ben. But at home if we have music on then its mostly on the radio but that’s only if we get a break in the girls songs being on.

Playing Cards or Painting?

Oh how I wish I could Paint, draw and basically just be good at art, but no matter how hard I have tried it just doesn’t turn out well so it will have to be Card games especially rummy although I have been known to get a tad competitive at times.

In a board game, would you rather be a green or a white piece?

As Audrey said this is a very original question and rather random but I suppose I would pick green, but it would have to be a lime green of course haha.

And that’s it for the questions, This was a fun little post to write and I did used to love doing Tag’s when I started this blog so if you know of any good ones please let me know. And also feel free to do this tag yourself.

Thanks for reading

Love Benita x

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